How to use this toolkit:
This toolkit is divided into key areas that may need greater attention in your fire service:
- Section 1: Overview: Introduction to Change
- Section 2: Leadership
- Section 3: Recruitment
- Section 4: Hiring
- Section 5: Employee Retention
- Section 6: Promotion
- Section 7: Key Takeaways
- Section 8: Next Steps
- Section 9: Appendix of Documents and Policy Examples
Each section contains the following elements:
- Define: defines the area of concern (e.g., what is recruitment?)
- Identify: identifies the barriers or issues women and other underrepresented groups face in the fire service (e.g., tokenism).
- Best Practices: a space dedicated to providing examples of industry best practices (e.g., structured interview hiring strategies).
- Application: a workspace that includes these five steps:
- Conducting a size-up by applying a SWOT analysis
- Creating a plan using SMART objectives
- Implementing the plan
- Evaluating the plan’s performance
- Identifying continuous improvement
- Resources: list of resources including websites, or text material (e.g., policies, plans) to assist with understanding the material and creating your organization’s policies and strategies.
- How-To Modules: specific modules that present the knowledge of our subject matter experts in fire departments. Please check back as additional toolkit modules will be added over time as fire organizations share their success stories with us.
obtain powerful results, encourage dialogue and participation from all
levels of your organization - staff at different points in their careers
will have different and valuable viewpoints. Please note that a new
hire may feel less comfortable speaking out for fear of reprisal. A
consultation process that protects anonymity may increase participation
in this regard and provide a clearer and more useful picture.