Fire Service Women Ontario (FSWO) 2021 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING -- February 17th, 2022 7pm

Fire Service Women Ontario will be holding its annual election of their Board for a variety of Officer and Director positions at the Annual General Meeting that is being held on Thursday, February 17, 2022.

The Nomination Period is Now Open.

The link to the nomination form is in the notice sent to all members. If you are interested in being nominated (you can nominate yourself) or nominating someone, please fill in the Nomination form that is found on our website and submit it to the Nomination and Election Committee no later than Thursday, January 20th, 2022, 7:00pm. Nominations will not be accepted after the 20th of January.
The Nominations opened in early December and a number of individuals have agreed to put their names forward to run for the following positions:

President-2 year term
Pike Krpan, Hamilton Fire Department

Vice President-2 year term
Tracey Shields, Ottawa Fire Services

Secretary-2 Year Term
Cheryl Hunt, Ottawa Fire Services

Directors (5 positions available ) 2 Year Term
TJ Robbins, Milton Fire Department
Audrey Anne Robinson, Ottawa Airport Emergency Response Services
Lydia Wilcox, Kitchener Fire Department
Caitlin Luno, Chatham Kent Fire & Rescue
Kathy Hamer, McDougall Fire Department
Kristy-Lynne Pankhurst, Scugog Fire Department
Madison Bath, Gravenhurst Fire Department

Student Director-1 Year Term
Brenna Gray, Centennial College: Firefighter-Pre-Service Education and Training Graduate

Nomination Procedures
Any individual who desires to be a candidate for a vacancy on the Board must:
a) meet all of the qualifications set forth in Section 4.2 and/or 4.2a of By-law #1 of the Constitution of Fire Service Women Ontario as amended; and
b) Submit a nomination form to the Nomination and Election Committee which declares the intention to run at the time specified by the Board.
c) Must have a proxy for a specific Officer or Director position if not in attendance at the Annual General Meeting. This proxy form must be received by the Nomination and Election Committee at least 48 hours prior (deadline Tuesday, February 15th, 2021, 7:00pm) to the Annual General Meeting.
The descriptions for the positions are below. The officers and directors will serve for a term of two years with the exception of the Student Director position who shall serve for a one-year term.
Roles and Responsibilities of Positions up for election:

President: The President shall be the Chief Executive and Operating Officer of the Corporation and shall have general supervision of the business of FSWO which includes but is not limited to:
a) Presiding at all meetings of the Board or Committees of the Board.
b) Developing and implementing the FSWO strategic plan, mission and values.
c) Coordinating the appointment of Standing Committees and Special Committees to be approved by the Board.
d) Acting as Member ex-officio of all Committees.
e) Coordinating Board development and succession planning initiatives.
f) Serve as the primary media point of contact and spokesperson on behalf of the Board.
g) Work with the Board Members responsible for the Corporation’s official publications and communications products to review and approve final drafts.

Vice-President: The Vice-President shall have all of the powers and authority, and shall perform all of the duties of the President when the President is absent or unable to do so. In addition, the Vice-President shall assist the President, as necessary, in the performance of duties. The Vice President shall also:
a) Be responsible for the promotions and marketing of the Corporation.
b) Promote the Corporation and its objectives in any manner deemed appropriate for the organization.
c) Be responsible for coordinating the selection and purchasing of FSWO promotional merchandise including clothing, subject to prior approval from the Board.

Secretary : The Secretary, if any, shall perform, among other things, the following functions:
a) Maintain such books, documents and papers as the Board shall determine.
b) Attend and keep detailed minutes of all meetings of the Board and Committees (as appropriate).
c) Transcribe minutes and send copies to all Members of the Board within seven days after the meeting.
d) Receive correspondence and other materials for the Corporation and maintain them in orderly files. Respond to correspondence as requested by the President and/or Board.
e) Assure that the records and files are available at meetings as may be needed or requested for reference. Support and provide advice to the President and Board as requested during meetings.
f) Present minutes for approval at Members and Board meetings either in writing or as read, unless otherwise waived by a majority of the Members or of the Board, as the case may be.

There are five Director positions available. The candidates who receive the highest number of votes for the available positions shall be elected as Directors for a term of two years. The Board in consultation with the President will assign a Director role to the successful candidates based on interest, qualifications and available roles which could include but is not limited to the functions of sponsorship, registrar, editor, communications, professional development, special events and volunteer.

Student Director: The Student Director shall among other duties act as a liaison and voice between all students in a firefighting related program with the Board.

To be eligible to run for the Student Director position, the candidate must be currently enrolled in or recently graduated within the last three years from a recognized program of study or research activity that includes fire protection and/or prevention and be actively looking for a position in the fire service profession.

FSWO Nomination and Election Committee