Crucial Conversations - Mastering Dialogue

  • October 27, 2023
  • 12:30pm-4:30pm
  • FESTI - Fire & Emergency Services Training Institute 2025 Courtneypark Drive, East, Mississauga

Facilitated by Kelly Holden and Stephanie Haldane


Whenever you’re not getting the results you want, it’s likely an important conversation either hasn’t happened or hasn’t been handled well. In fact, both individual and organizational success are largely determined by how quickly, directly, and effectively we speak up when it matters most. At the heart of healthy and high-performance organizations are people willing and able to hold Crucial Conversations.

This course will introduce you to Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue and the skills to step into disagreement—rather than over or around it—and turn disagreement into dialogue for improved relationships and results.

Kelly Holden

Kelly is the first Dean of FESTI, (Fire and Emergency Training Institute). Responsible for the strategic plans, and operational goals of the school, Kelly focuses on establishing a strong ecosystem of diversity, inclusion and success. Over four years, Kelly has transformed FESTI into a learning organization with a culture of team support, student success and fun! Kelly holds a degree in Woman’s Studies as well as a Certificate in Adult Learning. As a certified EQI (Emotional Intelligence) Coach, she understands what it takes to get the best out of her people. Kelly is also a certified Crucial Learning Trainer with a specialization in high-risk conversations. Kelly’s energy and fun-loving personality along with her “say it how it is” attitude will have you on the edge of your seat as you learn what it takes to move from silence to action in a conversation.

Stephanie Haldane

Stephanie brings the 3 Es (energy, enthusiasm and excitement) to everything she does. Prior to FESTI Stephanie worked in the corporate world as part of a Learning and Development team, building learning and training for employees and managers. Stephanie has a certificate in Adult Learning with a specialization in eLearning development from the University of Calgary. As a certified EQi (Emotional Intelligence) Coach she understands that ability to identify and regulate one's emotions and understand the emotions the others. helps you to build relationships, reduce team stress, defuse conflict and improve job satisfaction. Stephanie is also a certified Crucial Learning Trainer with a specialization in conversations that involve high-stakes and high emotion. Stephanie looks forward to introducing you to the concepts and skills of having the right conversations and the right time to get what you need.