Fire Service Women Ontario 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and election of Board Officers and Directors will be held virtually via Zoom on Thursday February 16th, 2023 beginning at 7pm.
FSWO's 2022 Annual Report as sent to members as part of our Annual General Meeting taking place on February 16, 2023.
It should come as no surprise that this year’s recipient of the FSWO Pink Helmet of Courage Award is Cheryl Hunt. Cheryl, we commend you and we thank you, you are a warrior, a leader and an amazing role model.
“Strength in Diversity and Inclusion” - these are the words featured on the home page of the Allied Firefighters of Canada. This organization was born out of an imperative to promote diversity, equality and a healthy network for firefighters of all underrepresented groups. Allied Firefighters of Canada exists to support and unite
equity-deserving firefighters.
Mark Pankhurst is currently retired after a 30+ year illustrious career as a Fire Chief and active Volunteer Firefighter and has always been an advocate for diversity and inclusion, including his support of FSWO.
FSWO is pleased to present the President’s Trailblazer Award to Sofie Lasiuk - her professionalism, commitment and perseverance are an inspiration to all of us.